Veteran Patriot Alliance of Leadership Services
We seek to provide HOPE for veterans through the Veteran Patriot Alliance of Leadership Services.
We believe effective leadership development always depends on nurturing healthy personal relationships. As a result, we believe ministry agencies need to be significant partners with the local church. Therefore, our first priority is to seek to connect you to resources that are committed to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
The Veteran Patriot Alliance of Leadership Services values collaborative action with other like-minded organizations. We look for opportunities to expand access to resources available to veterans by networking with other organization, especially those who offer services to veterans.
We know that it can be mind-boggling to search for resources with so many options available, so our goal is to make your job easier by creating a vehicle where everyone benefits. We have searched for trusted resources that we believe may prove to be valuable to you. Through our collaborative action with other like-minded organizations, we look for opportunities to multiply your leadership development efforts by introducing you to a host of resources that you can customize, based on your own goals for growth. Whether you are a Veteran, related to one or count a Veteran as a good friend, here are some valuable links support services available to Veterans. We hope you put this compelling VA online resource at the top of your Favorites list.

Dr. W.J. Chevalier